Southern Baja

Baja California Sur Last Minute Foray Late November, 2010 The wheels are set in motion Monday and Tuesday, November 22/23, 2010 So there I was. The realization had sunk in that I might have to go 18 months with no free time. School starts in 2 weeks and there is a possibility of heading straight into an apprenticeship after school. Oh yeah! even 48 year olds do go back to school when they realize that their soul was being sucked dry by their old jobs. At the Estero San Jose, Baja California Sur, Mexico After spending about 3 hours on the Internet desperately searching for some last minute getaway, Patti (the love of my life) laid down the law and half jokingly threatened to make a decision for me if I spent any more time on the computer. So I went to a coffee shop to continue my search ...teehee. Those darn single supplements turn a good deal into an expensive trip pretty darn quickly. I had basically given up and was considering just renting a little...