Croatia - Short But Sweet

Country #7 - Croatia Peaceful Country Roads October 6 to October 8, 2015 Cycling distance in Croatia: 81km's Total cycling distance: 1709km's Croatian Border Well, there's not much to say about a country where we spent one night and a total of 1 1/2 days cycling. After we had moved 2 meters from the Hungarian Policewoman's booth to the next window we were processed by the equally friendly Croatian border agent and welcomed into the country. A scruffy looking "wanderer" in flip flops and with a ratty backpack was talking while taking a video of himself with a selfie stick. He was wandering from Greece to god only knows where. Good Signage in Croatia Here the route follows very well marked quiet country roads and the feeling was incredibly peaceful ...until swarms of little black flies hit us as we rode along. I could literally hear them clicking against my helmet but I just pushed on. After all, what else can you do? Patti had stopped...