Back at Work
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Note: This no longer has anything to do with the Belize trip and contains some graphic details which some might find disturbing. It's a reflection of my first day back at work after a wonderful 1 month vacation. Suffice it to say, my first day at work did not go well. After an uneventful drive back home from Seattle yesterday, I promptly went back to work today. I was actually quite happy to be back behind the wheel of a bus and was feeling quite joyful driving in the sun. Then the skies blackened and the snow started falling. I burst out laughing as I was driving. Less than 48 hours earlier I had been in 38 degree temperatures in the glaring sun and now I had snow swirling around on the road. I simply couldn't believe how happy I was to actually be back at work. Everything was going perfectly well and I was in a very cheerful disposition. That all changed when a Honda Civic driven by an aggressive driver tangled with my bus and lost out in a big wa...